Monday, March 05, 2007

The Blog-Storm, unleashed

Last up on the random blog storm that has hit my site today:

I was at Best Buy with the guys Friday night. I ended up getting Reign of Fire - an interesting modern/fantasy movie with dragons that thrive on eating ash, and Stranger than Fiction - a heartwarming Will Farrel movie that even my roommate who hates Will with a passion liked.

At checkout, I was the last one to finish, as my Wells Fargo card has a magnetic strip more worn than Dawson's parental analogies. This was the subject of a brief conversation with the cashier, who was able to get the register-based magnetic reader to accept the card where the swipe-it-yourself terminal wouldn't. Turns out she has a WF card, too, and the same problem. The conversation lasted at most 20 seconds past the time the transaction was completed, if that.

On our way out the door, one of the guys said "One of these days, Dave will realize that that's called flirting." I admit I don't know much about such things. I thought I was just being friendly. Honest, non-rhetorical question: Is there a difference? Or did they mean she was flirting with me? I really don't know. Not that it really matters, the moment is passed and life continues.

But it was heartwarming to think that maybe I'm not so hopeless as I tend to imagine myself.

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