Friday, June 30, 2006


Saw Superman Returns last night with a couple friends. Too late, really, but it was a last minute thing before one goes off to see his dad, who seems to be near death. I liked the movie, the score to the original movies is reused, but hits you with more force than I recall from the movies before.

There is a reason that I have seen various "clever" movie reviewers alternatively title the movie "The Passion of the [Kryptonite, Superman, Kryptonian, and Kent]." The "I am sending you, my only son, to save the world" theme is repeated often enough, and I was more forcefully reminded of it twice... no... make that three times toward the end of the movie.

My roommate was skeptical at first about the intentional parallels. He really wanted a script written by Kevin Smith to be used, with the movie focusing on a titanic clash between Superman and Brainiac and anything that deviated from that vision was anathema to him. But we talked about it - Superman does seem to be a sort of Christ figure in many ways, if only because he represents so intrinsically what we believe to be good.

The similarities and dissimilarities are worth discussing, but I'll give y'all a chance to see the movie first. Don't want to spoil anything now.


Anonymous said...

hey you said "y'all," yessss!!

when you do go to virginia?

-Dave said...

I've occasionally said that at least since I took Greek in college. For a year we had y'all and y'all's ingrained in us as the proper way to translate the second-person plural verbs.

Something is interesting about the phrase "Y'all's cities will be destroyed by the army if y'all don't pay tribute to the gods."

Plus, I admit I've always been a sucker for a southern accent. Having known a few people with it, it is for better or worse ingrained in this poor desert rat's head.

Fly out at 6:30amish July 17, fly in 9:30pmish July 20. But it's North Carolina, not Virginia. I'm shocked you could make such a mistake!

Dawson said...

Noah & I saw Superman yesterday. Great movie! If you saw the movie then keep reading, if not stop...

When you know who "dies", Noah yells out loud in the theater: "Superman can't die!"

It was great