Monday, June 26, 2006


Confession: it could well be that part of why I go to Coram Deo is to play with Dawson's sons. I don't think I'd be much of a babysitter, mostly because I just want to play and am not as good at the responsiblity thing. I get to play the human jungle gym, act like King Kong, and wrestle with them. Now that his daughter has learned the use of her legs, she also seems more friendly, though I doubt I'll pick her up by the ankles and use her as a human shield. Noah and Luke seem well taught to protect Macy.

As they were subduing me the other evening, they decided it would be a good idea to start feeding me. Luke walked over to the fruit, grabbed a grape, and proceeded to put it in my mouth. Seeing that I liked the first one ("Is that good?" "Yes, thank you."), he did it again. And again. And again. Perhaps seeing my attention shifting and not to be outdone, Noah grabbed some watermelon and helped to feed me. At one point, I got a piece of cantelope, too.

They also regaled me with tales of their adventures at the rodeo. Noah saw a cow with very small horns, Luke saw a black horsey. Luke also made sure to mention several times that he screamed. This seemed important to him, and since I make a habit of yelling myself hoarse at football games, I can understand why. Back and forth they went, both trying to talk over the other, so I did my best to listen to one, then to the other, and not let either feel left out.

As Noah was later climbing on my head, and trying to push my nose back into my head, he told me about the wonders of chocolate milk. He described how they had milk in their fridge, and that was good to drink. They also have syrup, which you put in the milk and stir with a spoon to make chocolate milk. To him, it sounded almost like magic - "Guess what we can do!" I suppose in a way, it is.

Finally, as I was leaving, Noah asked if I was going bye-bye. Yes, I said. It's time for me to go. He then went straight to the front door, and stood with his back to it, arms stretched out to hold it back. "No. You can't go bye-bye." I slowly opened the door, and moved him out of the way. Once I made it outside, he leaned out the door and asked "You come back next week, right?"

How can I refuse?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is awesome, yea, those are some of the cutest kids i've ever seen. :)