Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Ridiculously Impossible

To be a Christian, you must believe that something ridiculously impossible has happened. The Resurrection is something that can have no natural cause or it is robbed of all value, and if the resurrection did not happen than to follow Christ is a fantastic waste of time.

There can be no equivocation on this. If there is no resurrection, than Paul was right: we who believe it are the most pitiful of men. If there is, then there is not a person alive who would not benefit from hearing what such a person has to say.

I am not a follower of a philosophy. I am not a Christian because I am a naturally magnanimous and noble person. I believe that some 2,000 years ago a dead man walked out of the tomb alive, in awesome power beyond anything ever seen before or since and that such a man deserves to be followed.


Jim Swindle said...

Thank you for reminding us that what is God's wisdom for us is total foolishness in the eyes of the world. Too many churches try to make Christianity palatable to the world. Real Christians are not a better-life-in-this-world movement. We're distinctly counter-cultural, not-of-this-world, likely-to-be-persecuted people.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog.
I've found a militant atheist if you want to try and help him; he's at:

GBWY, James

-Dave said...

That man's blog breaks my heart, but I believe that arguing with him would only reinforce - rather than change - his hostility towards Christians.

He's looking to pick a fight in a controlled forum. I expect Christians have no argument that he hasn't heard, and should I try to argue I would be lumped in the same dismissed category in his mind.

I can pray that God would send workers into the field, and that he would find Christ followers to be examples of love and grace to him in his real life. But I do not have faith in the blogging world as a medium to represent Jesus to him.