Thursday, March 06, 2008

Lent: Week Five

"I thirst."

On his blog, Kenny compares this to a cold drink after a hard day's work. It's an interesting thought, but I'm going to take the opposite train of thought here.

I look at this, and I see Jesus on the cross, crying out words I didn't want to detract from by adding my own commentary, and I see him at the end of a weary road. I think he's feeling empty, if it's possible for God to be empty. All else is stripped away, and he is near death.

At such times, I think we are all reduced to the most basic things. Hunger. Thirst. Sleep. Your mind is tired, and just needs a break from the storms that have assailed it.

I think this is the weakest moment Jesus faces. Crushed, striped, pierced, suffocating and tired, the Creator can not even stretch out his hand for a drink, but has it raised by a sponge on a stick. It is a sad, final moment. The long march to Jerusalem is complete. The mockings, confrontations, beatings, insults, flogging and punishment is at an end. Only one thing now remains.


1 comment:

Kenny said...

I think this is a good description of what's going on. I realize the language I used in my post could make it seem like Jesus was just kicking back after a day at the office. But I didn't mean to imply that he was just chillin'. What I meant to do was point out the parralelism between the Creation account, where God works, then rests, and the Cross, where Jesus seems to work, and then allow himself to rest.

But your post does a better job of bringing out a contrast I was seeing between the two. At creation, we see God in his glory; at the cross, we see Jesus in his humiliation.