Sunday, September 02, 2007

Lunar Eclipse Video #1

A set of cropped photos pieced together to make a video of part of the eclipse. I plan to do more, to get a better movie, but this is every picture taken at 1/1000th of a second, to maintain a constant brightness (without me having to edit anything to get that brightness). When the rotation of the moon appears to jump, it's a gap where I didn't take any pictures at that exposure. It's rough, but the making of this video was mostly an after-thought. Next time, I'll plan better :)


Anonymous said...

Dad and I enjoyed...Are you going to finish it? :)

-Dave said...

After the last frame of this movie, I don't have any more pictures at 1/1000 of a second, because it got too dark. I have plenty of slower pictures, but one goal of this photo was to show the change at a constant brightness.

The next step will probably be the photos from a slower speed, like 1/250 of a second, and eventually I plan to try and use multiple shutter speeds and adjust the brightness of the photos to make them match.