Thursday, September 27, 2007

The First Amendment

Rant on.

Do people have any idea what the first amendment is anymore? I see so many comments on newspapers and such decrying the lack of "Free Speech" or "Freedom of the Press" when anyone dares criticize something someone else has to say. It's absolutely bonkers.

These freedoms, of speech, press, assembly, petition, or religion are NOT blanket provisions to say or do what you like without fear of public criticism. They are protections from Congress passing laws to restrict these activities. That's why the amendment begins "Congress shall make no law..."

I can believe in Free Speech and still call you a moron for holding the opinions you do. Free Speech is not a passport to speak without opposition - rather, it is meant to encourage free debate. You can say what you like, and so can I. Free speech is not meant to be free from opposition, but from legislation. Speech free from opposition is exactly what the amendment is meant to prevent. Freedom of the press is not a blanket pass to write and say what you will without criticism, if the press goes uncriticized it will fall into the same corruption as anyone else with power.

Rant off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... You are very wise!!

Side note: My word verification for this comment is bigbob. ROFL!