Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Emergent / Emerging / Postmodern / ... / Church

I don't like labels, especially when applied to something so wondrously diverse that the label stands no hope of well-defining the labeled thing. That said, it's certainly true that Coram Deo has some things in common with the "Emerging/ent Church," most notably the idea of sharing Christ largely through our actions.

As humans with blind spots like everyone else, I want to know what the criticisms and weaknesses of the EC are, because like any group it has its weaknesses, too. In teh course of my looking, I came across this collection of articles, seemingly existing to take on the evils of the EC movement.

It'll be interesting to look through them, hopefully without too much of a defensive spirit, and see what the criticisms are, whether they are true of us, whether they are valid points of contention, and how we might change to better conform to the person of Christ.

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