Monday, February 19, 2007

Random Data


Google has given me the power to see who reads my blog. At least, I can see where people are reading it from, and how they got here.

Not surprisingly, most of the visits are from Reno, with 13. I also have 3 visits from Spokane, which I assume at first glance is my aunt and uncle up north. I have a visit each from Louisville (Hi Megan/Todd!), and Minneapolis and Dallas - neither of which I can readily identify. Rounding out the count are some quasi-locals are a visit each from Las Vegas and Santa Clarita.

7 of the visits were people either typing in or using a bookmark to come straight to the site.
5 were from a link on Ken and Alicia's blog (should I include Abby in the list now?)
4 were from a link on Dawson's blog
3 are simply marked (other)
And 1 was from Kenny's blog.

These stats are over two days. It will be interesting to see what further details this allows. Not that I'm examining the effectiveness of online ads or something - I just find things like this interesting.

And I wonder who the Vegas, Santa Clarita, Minneapolis, and Dallas visitors are. Feel free to stand up and be counted.


Steve and Katrina said...

What tools do you use to do this?

-Dave said...

Magical, super-powerful tools.

Steve and Katrina said...

Those are super-powerful magical tools.

Todd and Meagan said...

Hi Dave!