Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hot Days

I am not a fan of hot days. When one of the girls in the leasing office at my apartments asked what I thought of the weather we've been having, I honestly told her that I'm happy at about 65-70 and the next few months are not my favorites. It was 65 at sunrise when I left for work this morning.

But there is one big plus to the warmth - thunderstorms. I can see a couple of good avil clouds building to the northwest, and there was a noticeable cell to the southeast when I returned from lunch. I love thunderstorms. The clouds are nifty, the rain is refreshing, and the lightning is awe-inspiring.

I hope it rains before I leave the office. It was unpleasantly warm at lunch, and I know from experience that the car will only get warmer.


Anonymous said...

i am not a fan of the super-hot days, either. that's why spring (the season we had in tennessee that does not exist in nevada) and fall are my favorite seasons. but i do also LOVE thunderstorms, and i wish we got more of them out here. back at home we got them just about every afternoon in the summer, sometimes big whoppers of storms with thunder crashes and lightning and huge gray clouds and all that good stuff... yep, i'll be missing those for the next few months!

Dawson said...

That thunderstorm was awesome. I was at UNR and a lightning bolt hit directly above me. I'm talking simultaneous lightning and thunder. WOW. That made me wet myself pretty bad.