Monday, May 29, 2006


It's not the worst when you see it coming the whole way. It's when, just as the pressure seems to be lifting you're caught with your guard down. I expected it eventually, but it seemed still to come, not quite so soon. I marked a day on my calendar at work when I expected it to happen by (July 11, if you care for useless trivia), but was wondering if I made my guess to restrictive. Instead, it looks like I was about a month and a half too generous with the timing.

I know enough to know that two worse days are coming. I expect those within a year. By the end of it all, I'm certain 2006 will have been by far and away not only the worst year of my life, but worse than any I had dared imagine.

All I can do now is throw up my hands and wonder what's next. Everything can always get worse, and I expect just that - the only question is in what dimension.


Anonymous said...

I remember the time I predicted an ex of mine would be married. She'll be engaged in the next few months, I said after she told me she had met someone. Knowing that, though freed me to move on. Unfortunately, I moved on to what could be described as a torturous rebound relationship.

-Dave said...

This wasn't concerning marriage, but the thrust of the matter is still there. I have no firm information, but enough suspicion and speculation to fill a really big container of some sort. Knowing for sure would erase any doubts, but at the same time it's not my business so I don't ask. But if I'm right, I'm only surprised it took so long. I tend to expect that everyone sees the world like I do, so I considered any guy that wasn't after her out of his mind, or lying. Ususally the latter, unless I had reason to believe otherwise.

The theory of the rebound is intriguing. Unfortunately, the critical elements (having something to begin with and something to "bounce back" to) are both missing. I guess I'm more like the basketball still sitting in it's retail packaging, unwanted and unsold. Or Stinky Pete in Toy Story 2, if a lonely basketball is not quite the sympathetic character that it seems.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem preparing some concrete shoes for somebody on your behalf.

-Dave said...

Pizza Hut... clever. I ate there yesterday, so I certainly have to agree.

Can you make them for me? They've got to be great for the calves, and I'm sure I cold jump several feet when they finally came off.