Friday, November 16, 2007

Surfing, Snowboarding, and the Fabric of the Universe

Evidently, a guy that likes to spend his summers surfing in Hawaii and his winters snowboarding around Lake Tahoe has a proposal that cuts to teh very core of theoretical physics on the nature of the universe.

The most popular theory - string theory - says that the Universe has 8 or 9 dimensions, most of which are too small to see. That the smallest bits of matter are strings that vibrate in these 8 or 9 dimensions, and everything from gravity to atoms to apple pie follows from there.

The proposed theory relates particles in a different way, describing them through a geometric shape that computers had been chugging away for YEARS to calculate all the parts of.

Any time you're mentioned in the same breath as Einstein when talking theoretical physics, you're in elite company. The fact that he spends some of his time in my neck of the woods - that just seems cool.

Read More About It.

1 comment:

Kenny said...

That's awesome. This guy is my new hero.

One thing that's interesting to me is his age, 39. There's an idea that physicists (also mathematicians, probably others too) do their best work when they're young, like under 25.