Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sucker Punch

Only once before have I deleted a previous post. It was a picture I tried embedding, and it was ugly. I have said some things that left me feeling vulnerable, but let's just say I made some very hasty generalizations earlier. I ain't perfect. Things involving women are a hot button for me, and my supreme exhaustion the past couple weeks (fighting a bit of a cold and a LOT of rehersals for various Christmastime productions).

Excuses, yes, but not so far as to say that I'm therefore faultless. I was really just angry at God, and it looks like I may well have had no good reason to be, meaning, I saw things that didn't happen, or didn't happen how I saw them. My bad.

1 comment:

Rob Woods said...


:One who desperately cares for his brother in times of need:

I hope I've been that for you...