Monday, October 09, 2006

Deal, or no Deal?

Have you seen this show? I never watched it, but it is on before NBC's new show "Heroes," which I like. It's a pretty simple take on expected return - multiplying the probability of a variety of outcomes by the payoff of each outcome. In this case, there's a fixed distribution of numbers, each with an identical probability. There's flashy lights and absurd drama to stretch it out, but it would be boring TV if not for that.

What I find interesting is that they have a commercial for a "play at home" game, with six cases. If you call or text message in, you get to pick a case. There is a random drawing of people who choose the correct case for $10,000 every night. What you would expect in a random world is that each number gets a roughly equal number of votes. But that's not the case. Tonight, two seperate numbers each had almost 40% of the votes.

I can't help but wonder why, and I have no answers.


Anonymous said...

Could it have something to do with how they're numbered? Or the arrangement of the cases? I can see people not wanting to pick the first or last in a series.

-Dave said...

I did mean to say that they had almost 40% of the votes each. The cases in question were 4 and 5.

I think it would be interesting to see what people's underlying thoughts are. Possible reasons occur to me:

People are choosing the model holding the case.

People don't want to choose an "extreme" like 1 or 6, and tend to stay toward the middle.

Not enough people are voting to make the sample behave likea large sample should.

People are exhibiting a form of spatial bias, based on where the cas appears. Last night, instead of two rows of three cases, 1 and 2 were at the to left, 3 and 4 were in the middle row with 3 beneath 2, 5 and 6 were in the bottom row, with 5 beneath 4, like a staircase.

I hadn't paid attention before last night, but I know the % of guesses are never evenly distributed, in the 3 or 4 weeks I have seen the show. I think it could be an interesting study.

Ken, Alicia, Abby, and Ethan Lund said...

Alicia and I only have NBC right now ('s our only station--we have no cable). So we've caught a few Deal or No Deals. And the pattern continues.