Thursday, September 07, 2006

Life is Hard

I'm getting sent to Washington, D.C. to stay in a hotel 3 blocks from the US Capitol Building and attend a training class during the day for a week. How shall I ever find something to do in the evenings?

Life is so very, very hard.


Ken, Alicia, Abby, and Ethan Lund said... depends on what side of the Capitol building you are staying on. If you are staying three blocks southeast of the Capitol building, your evenings will consist of dodging bullets and drive by shootings. If you are 3 blocks northwest of the Capitol building, you will be a homeless person sleeping on the grass on the Washington Mall. Every other direction sounds great. Sounds like a fun assignment. I can't get enough of visiting D.C. Just walking through the neighborhoods is terribly interesting.

-Dave said...

North and very slightly west, for the record. I think it's called the "Hilton on the Hill."

Hope Winnemucca's not mind-bogglingly boring yet.

Anonymous said...

kaysi is so very, very jealous!

-Dave said...

I just wish I could afford to stay an extra day or two. But $192 a night for the room (+ a 14.95% tax) is awful rich for my blood.