Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Conspiracy Theory Prediction

I'm predicting now a theory I have not yet heard, but expect to. The theory is that oil (and gas) prices are falling because Big Oil is afraid that the Republicans might lose the elections, and so they are trying to influence that outcome by lowering prices.

If anyone hears this repeated, in the media or in other blogs, I'd love to hear about it, so I can claim to b wonderfully smart.


Ken, Alicia, Abby, and Ethan Lund said...

Indeed you are absolutely correct. A conspiracy theorist at my law school referenced one of his conspiracy theory websites that insisted this to be the true explanation of falling gas prices.

Unfortunately, I deleted it along with the link, as I did with his links to the "inconceivable collapse" 9-11 theory.

-Dave said...

I love that I wrote "...so I can claim to b wonderfully smart."

to b or not to b - that is the question.