Thursday, December 14, 2006

Turn Your Eyes to the Skies

There's an off chance that you can catch the Northern Lights tonight - even as far south as the Equator. Such things can't be predicted perfectly, but we're currently being bombarded by a solar storm.

It's at least looking outside for, on the chance you can catch it.

The Story


Anonymous said...

In 2001, there was a significant solar storm that produced Aurora in the mid-latitude states. I happened to be one of my frequent solo "thinking" drives in the High Uintah mountains on that evening, and they were very prominent in the sky. It was very awe-inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, Winnemucca is very close to dark sky. No luck tonight, however. Cloud cover thick over the northern sky. I read that Michigan is getting a good show though. I figured I better turn around on U.S. 95 before I got to Oregon.