Friday, December 15, 2006


Stories inspire us in part because we can see ourselves in the role of the protagonist. I see this story somewhat differently: I see our church in this role - gladly doing what needs to be done to serve others.

Here's the story.

Here's an excerpt:
Paeglow treats his patients, prays with his patients, and gives them medicine if he has it. If he doesn't, he'll pay for it, if need be.

As a result, the Paeglows have very little that is their own. They live rent-free in a church rectory. Their car was donated, and their savings account is nonexistent.

"It was worth it. Worth it that I was able to fulfill a dream. Take care of people who no one else really cares much about," he said. "I consider myself a very rich person. I don't have any money, but I am rich."

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