Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mindless Competition

There's nothing like competition where the opponent has no idea there's anything going on.

Stumbling blindly through blogdom, I found this page, which tells you how much your blog is worth, in what I think is a sly take on a business deal I don't claim to know a thing about.

Nevertheless, being a pointlessly competitive sort, I gave it a shot. $3,387.24. Sounds low compared to the $124K+ on the site that led me there. But then I put in someone else's. $2,258.16. I felt better. Really, they're both multiples of $1,129.08 - so I rated a 3 while he rated a 2, but even so... Boo-yah!


Anonymous said...

no way! I started before you and have way more posts. How do I WIN?!

Anonymous said...

All right. I'm convinced my lack of worth is because my blog is at and not

I don't know what to do about this. Part of me still wants to win.

-Dave said...

Sorry. At $1,693.62, still loses out to the unyielding might of this blog. Just don't compare us to either of the Lange boys. They're at about 6K and 7K.

Knowing how the site incorporates Technorati ratings would be a good first step.

Dawson said...

Hey losers. Sheep To Be Slaughtered is worth $6,774.48. The funny part is that I barely know how to use a computer.

Jose said...

this is jacked. i'm the only one who puts technorati tags on my posts.