Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Christian Response to Global Warming

Does not exist. All I can have is a Christian's response to global warming, and that's the most anyone else can have. I agree strongly with this article, in that I think (1) global warming - i.e. the significant warming of the earth due entirely to human activity is still a matter of debate, and far from certain; (2) burning organic compounds is a simple and cheap source of energy (ie, wood, coal, oil and their derivatives); (3) improving the quality of life for the poor requires energy (be it in wells, water purification, the manufacture of drugs to treat illness, transportation of goods, trade, etc); and (4) that increasing the cost of energy (through government mandates or bans) will decrease the effectiveness of a given dollar given to help the poor, more than the potential benefits they would see from it.

I don't really believe in global warming, in that I think the data on it is weak, the uses of the data are heavily political, and the politics is strong enough to overcome the weakness in the data. To say "but it's been really, reall hot" is bad because it's antecdotal, and says nothing about why it is hot, which is the crux of the matter. Just because it's hot does not mean that it is hot because of man-made global warming. That is a very important causal effect that needs to be shown.


Kenny said...

You're the first intelligent person I've heard in a while question the existence of global warming - which is enough for me to reconsider the issue.

BTW, I'm kind of hoping you're going to finish the review of your life for the last 10 years, you only got up to '98, right? I'm kind of interested to see what happens next.

-Dave said...

Thanks, thanks, and I will (but have to be in the mood to sit and write about it).

For some useful information concerning global warming, check out the links in this post. The report to the committee is the most interesting to me, as it would seem to be intended as an unbiased prespective. I can't wait for transcripts of the two hearings to be available.