Monday, April 17, 2006

It's Sunday...

Tony Campolo wrote a book about a sermon he heard once: "It's Friday... But Sunday's Coming

The point is that on Friday, things are bleak, but the deliverance, the miracle, the change is coming - applying the hope of the Easter message to life. All well and good.

But I had a thought, that the reverse is true? What about when it's Sunday, but Friday's coming? Imagine the scene on Palm Sunday - the greatest hopes of all the disciples seem to be coming true. Jesus has come to Jerusalem, seemingly riding to destiny. "Save us, Son of David!" The crowd seems to see Jesus as the saving deliverer. It is Sunday.

But Friday is coming. Their views will be shattered. Their dreams will die. It is easy to worship on Sunday, but that doesn't mean you won't flee on Friday. The journey from Friday to Sunday is to the mountaintop. The journey from Sunday to Friday is into the valley.

When your supports are gone, what will you do? When God seems silent as your Messiah is hauled away by an angry mob? When "Save us, Son of David" becomes "We have no king but Caesar! Crucify Him! Give us Barabbas!" When the palm branches at Jesus' feet become whips across his back?

For those who are living in Friday, we have the hope to know that Sunday is coming.
For those enjoying the glory of Sunday, remember that Friday is coming.

But God did not disappear, turn his back, or somehow skip over Friday. Indeed, it was on Friday that God's most amazing work was done. The resurrection is the proof that what was accomplished on Friday was accepted. But the work - the blood, sweat, and tears - came Friday.

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