Sunday, March 20, 2005


Perhaps I was unfair to organizations like the Tim LaHaye group in my last post. After all, if I allow that these men are following God as best they can, are spreading the gospel to those who do not know, and serving as they have been called, who am I to judge another man? To his own Master he will rise or fall.

I must disclose that I have incredible distrust for anything slick, smooth, or polished. Though I work in sales support, and on occasion have to discuss a product with a customer, I don't much like "salesmen." I don't trust them, because I know that everything has a sharp edge and not expecting it gets you cut that much worse. I don't like programs that tell you how wonderful they are, and I think anything that guarantees results that belong to the sovreign choices of God Almighty are, for lack of a better word, damned lies.

That said, I read something as I was reading this evening that reminded me of my biggest fear about the church today: that in seeking to appeal to an audience it has removed the sense that church has something to offer beyond this world. Certainly we claim that we do, but if all of our actions conform to the pattern of this world... then I suppose the proof is in the pudding.

I have often thought about starting churches, but in truth I doubt that I am the man to do such things. Good intent, sure. But being single in a world of couples has a way of beating you down like a sack of doorknobs. Some of my highest respect is for those who maintain simple and unwavering faith under similar circumstances. Given the choice between the knowledge that comes so easily for me and the faith that seems to come so easily for them, I'd trade in a heartbeat.

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