Friday, May 09, 2008


From the New York Times:

"With more years out of the workforce to care for family, combined with lower wages and a greater life expectancy, it's clear that simply being a woman in our society may jeopardize your financial security," Cindy Hounsell, the study's lead researcher, said in a statement.

Ummm... no. I'm not saying gender discrimination doesn't exist, but at least one and a half of the reasons listed here aren't due to "simply being a woman." Choosing to care for your family ahead of pursuing a career is a choice. Reduced income because of that choice could affect your financial security, but the choice is the cause - not the fact that you are a woman.

1 comment:

Kenny said...

It's hard to know which is more baffling: the willful illogic of the statement you've highlighted or the fact that such statements are commonplace from educated people.