Thursday, February 14, 2008

Basketball as Simile

If you want to know what it's like to be 29, perpetually single, and blogging at 8:20 pm on Valentine's Day for lack of anything else to do, it's kind of like how this game felt. The only good thing is that it's over, though with the dreadful, lingering fear of what's to come.

And, as I've felt so many times concerning las chicas, I really thought the team had turned a corner this time, only to be utterly disappointed once more.

For me, Valentines Day is a day defined in two moments as I was on my way home from work. In Scholaris, seeing a bunch of guys in the card aisle and a bunch of people getting fresh food for their romantic dinner, and myself in Zee's Pizza buying a single slice of pepperoni, to go. Those moments just seemed... iconic.

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