Friday, April 13, 2007

Analysis of economic policy

This was a very interesting post. The thought of a postmodern take on economics (we define the reality, you just study it) is one of the scariest glimpses of the Bush Administration I have had yet. But it could explain why the Administration is so willing to couple tax cuts with a growth in spending financed by defecits.

Personal aside: I like tax cuts. I also think that military action in Iraq was, and still is, justified. But I don't believe the two should go together. If increased defense spending is needed, then raise the funds or cut the budget elsewhere to pay for it. Our future obligations in Social Security and Medicare are high enough without adding over $200B + to it each year.

And no, to every tax-cutter out there: No. Tax cuts don't pay for themselves. Remember: correlation is not causation. I like tax cutting because I believe the government needs to tighten its belt. I don't believe in defecit-financed tax cuts, and I REALLY don't believe in cutting taxes while increasing spending.

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