Friday, August 22, 2008

On the Edge

It is a curious feeling to be utterly dependent. My church is relatively poor, in that we don't have the money to go and spend a lot on what many churches would consider "the essentials." We can't support a web of ministries to every age/race/sex/marital status group there is. We can, on the best of months, pay our staff and our rent and be able to help out people in need without hitting our savings. On an average month, we don't even do that.

And so, in a very real sense, our church is depending on God for our long-term survival. This provides an interesting sense of mingled fear and excitement. Fear, because I want to be able to provide for our staff. Excitement, because we've been on the receiving end of the provisions we need plenty of times.

I'm confident we are on the right course. We see sinners repenting, marriages being saved, and a love for Christ being worked out in practical service to the community. And I can only hope that as we continue to press ahead with this that God will provide what we need to continue.

We are depending on God's provision. It means that we can't see from where it will come, but that we simply ask God to provide, and trust that He will.

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