Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Truth in Advertising

I've seen the quote in a lot of Senator Obama's campaign ads - deriding Senator McCain for saying he doesn't know much about the economy. And it caused me to stop and think: the implication, then, is that Obama does. That's a pretty broad statement, and it gives me pause, because I don't know that the best economists out there would make that sort of claim.

From what I can gather, Obama's main plan to fix the current problem is "leadership," which is about as perplexing an answer as I can imagine. What it sounds like is Obama saying that he will manage the American (and even Global, because it is so interconnected) Economy to prevent anything from ever getting out of hand.

It is possible, but not without a draconian shift in how the nation operates. If we're voting for a President who intends to be the captain of the economic ship, then I'd rather one who recognizes and admits his limits than one who derides the other for admitting as much.


Thomas said...

Since McCain doesn't know much about the economy, it's too bad he didn't use his VP pick on someone who does.

-Dave said...

If such a person exists in truth (and not just in slogans).

But in a match between someone who admits publicly that his understanding has limits, and someone who both doesn't admit it and derides the other for doing so, I prefer the former.

I'd rather have a President who says "The economy is too vast to be understood by any one person" than one who says "Nonsense - I grasp it completely."

This is not to say that having some understanding of it is a bad thing... but rather than knowing the limits of your understanding is equally important.

After all, if no one can completely grasp something like a pencil, how should they be able to grasp the whole economy that makes things infinitely more complex.

So... I guess my regret is that Obama didn't pick a VP who could admit he doesn't completely understand the economy.